Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico Drug Prior Authorization Form


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Blue Cross

Medication Authorization Request Forms for Drugs Covered Under the Medical Benefit

On this page you'll find information for:

  • BCN HMO SM (commercial)
  • BCN Advantage SM
  • Blue Cross commercial
  • Blue Cross Medicare Plus Blue SM PPO
  • Blue Cross Federal Employee Program®

BCN HMO SM (Commercial) Forms
Blue Cross Commercial Forms

Use these forms to obtain prior authorization for administering medications in physician's offices and outpatient hospitals, including urgent care, hospital-based infusion care centers, and clinics where the drug is injected or infused and billed on a UB04 or CMS 1500 form.

  • Actemra®
  • Acthar Gel®
  • Adakveo®
  • Alpha 1-Proteinase Inhibitors (use this form for all medications listed below)
    • Aralast NP
    • Glassia
    • Prolastin-C®
    • Zemaira®
  • Amondys 45
  • Bavencio® (*See note below.)
  • Beleodaq®
  • Benlysta®
  • Botulinum
    • Botox®
    • Dysport
    • Myobloc®
    • Xeomin®
  • Brineura®
  • Cimzia®
  • Cinqair®
  • Colony Stimulating Factors
    • Fulphila®
    • Granix®
    • Neupogen®
    • Udenyca®
    • Ziextenzo®
  • Crysvita®
  • Dysport
  • Empaveli
  • Entyvio®
  • Enzyme replacement therapy
    • Adagen®
    • Aldurazyme®
    • Cerezyme®
    • Elaprase®
    • Elelyso®
    • Fabrazyme®
    • Kanuma®
    • Lumizyme®
    • Mepsevii
    • Naglazyme®
    • Nexviazyme
    • Vimizim®
    • Vpriv®
  • Evenity
  • Evkeeza
  • Exondys 51®
  • Fasenra
  • Givlaari (*See note below.)
  • HAE (use this form for all medications listed below)
    • Berinert®
    • Cinryze®
    • Firazyr®
    • Kalbitor®
    • Ruconest®
    • Sajazir
  • Hemlibra®
  • Ilaris®
  • Ilumya
  • Imfinzi (*See note below.)
  • Infliximab Products
    • Avsola
    • Inflectra
    • Remicade®
    • Renflexis
  • Intravitreal Injection
    • Beovu®
    • Eylea®
    • Lucentis®
    • Macugen®
    • Susvimo
    • Vabysmo
  • IVIG (use this form for all medications listed below)
    • Asceniv
    • Bivigam®
    • Carimune NF®
    • Cutaquig®
    • Cuvitru
    • Flebogamma DIF®
    • Gammagard Liquid®
    • Gammagard S/D®
    • Gammaked
    • Gammaplex®
    • Gamunex®
    • Hizentra®
    • Hyqvia®
    • Ig, IV injection NOS
    • Octagam®
    • Panzyga®
    • Privigen®
    • Xembify
  • Krystexxa®
  • Kymriah
  • Lemtrada®
  • Leqvio®
  • Levoleucovorin Injection
    • Fusilev®
    • Khapzory
  • Luxturna
  • Makena®
  • Myobloc®
  • Nplate®
  • Nucala®
  • Nulibry
  • Ocrevus®
  • Oncology Biosimilar
  • Onpattro
  • Orencia®
  • Oxluma
  • Palforzia
  • Poteligeo® (*See note below.)
  • Prolia
  • Radicava®
  • Reblozyl®
  • Ryplazim®
  • Saphnelo
  • Scenesse®
  • Signifor® LAR
  • Simponi Aria®
  • Skyrizi
  • Soliris®
  • Spinraza
  • Spravato
  • Stelara SC®
  • Stelara® IV
  • Synagis®
  • Tegsedi®
  • Tepezza
  • Testosterone (use this form for all medications listed below)
    • Aveed®
    • Testopel®
  • Tezspire
  • Trogarzo
  • Tysabri®
  • Ultomiris
  • Uplizna
  • Vyepti
  • Vyvgart
  • Xeomin®
  • Xgeva®
  • Xiaflex®
  • Xolair®
  • Yescarta®
  • Zilretta®
  • Zinplava
  • Zolgensma®
* Note: The drugs that have an asterisk no longer require prior authorization. The form should be used only when requesting a retroactive authorization for the drug.
BCN Advantage SM Forms
Blue Cross Medicare Plus Blue SM PPO Forms

Go to the BCN Advantage medical drug policies and forms page.

Go to the Medicare Advantage PPO medical drug policies and forms page.

Blue Cross Federal Employee Program®

Use these forms to obtain prior authorization for administering medications in physician's offices and outpatient hospitals, including urgent care, hospital-based infusion care centers, and clinics where the drug is injected or infused and billed on a UB04 or CMS 1500 form.

  • Actemra IV®
  • Actemra SC®
  • Alpha 1-Proteinase Inhibitors (use this form for all medications listed below)
    • Aralast NP
    • Glassia
    • Prolastin-C®
    • Zemaira®
  • Benlysta®
  • Beovu®
  • Botox®
  • Brineura
  • Cimzia®
  • Cinqair®
  • Crysvita®
  • Dysport
  • Enzyme replacement therapy
    • Adagen®
    • Aldurazyme®
    • Cerezyme®
    • Elaprase®
    • Elelyso®
    • Fabrazyme®
    • Kanuma
    • Lumizyme®
    • Naglazyme®
    • Vimizim
    • Vpriv®
  • Entyvio®
  • Evenity
  • Exondys 51
  • Eylea®
  • Fasenra
  • Fusilev
  • HAE
    • Berinert®
    • Cinryze®
    • Kalbitor
    • Ruconest
  • Hemlibra®
  • Ilaris®
  • Ilumya
  • Inflectra
  • IVIG
    • Asceniv
    • Bivigam®
    • Carimune NF®
    • Cutaquig®
    • Cuvitru
    • Flebogamma DIF®
    • Gammagard Liquid®
    • Gammagard S/D®
    • Gammaked
    • Gammaplex®
    • Gamunex®
    • Hizentra®
    • Hyqvia®
    • Octagam®
    • Panzyga
    • Privigen®
    • Xembify®
  • Khapzory
  • Krystexxa®
  • Kymriah
  • Lemtrada®
  • Lucentis®
  • Luxturna
  • Macugen®
  • Makena
  • Mepsevii
  • Myobloc®
  • Nplate®
  • Nucala®
  • Ocrevus
  • Onpattro
  • Orencia IV®
  • Orencia SC®
  • Prolia
  • Radicava
  • Remicade®
  • Renflexis
  • Signifor® LAR
  • Simponi® Aria
  • Soliris®
  • Spinraza
  • Spravato
  • Stelara
  • Synagis®
  • Testosterone
    • Aveed®
    • Testopel®
  • Trogarzo
  • Tysabri®
  • Ultimoris
  • Xeomin®
  • Xgeva®
  • Xiaflex®
  • Xolair®
  • Yescarta®
  • Zilretta®
  • Zolgensma®


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